Tove & John Thomsen



MMA is the name of the vision, which the Lord gave os to equip the church in Africa for cross-cultural missions. After many years of service in different African nations, we are now seeing this vision realised by the grace of God through the ministry of AFNET (Africa Network Evangelism Task). Here we are specifically involved with Leadership Development, Community Developement and Church Planting initiatives.


It is an integrated part of our vision to equip churches and local communities to take up their social responsibility for helping the poor, particularly AIDS orphans. This task has, among others things, led to the establishment of orphan day care centers and food-distribution programs in South Africa as well as Zambia. We call them Channels of Hope Centers. 


You are welcome to read more about our ministry on our Blog, which you can link to in the menu. The blog is Danish but has an English link. All our newsletters are posted there. You are also welcome to use the menu to link to our AFnet website. For our Danish supporters, we have a link to our Danish support organisation, Projekt Hope. If you wish to come into contact with us, please write to the following e-mail adress: © 2008 • •
                                  MULTIPLYING   THE   MINISTRY   OF   MISSIONS